Monday 10 August 2015

Homework poems

Enjoy poems children wrote for homework ---


Tasmanian devil

Apple island


Mt Wellington

A fun place

Near the sea

Itty bitty small

Aurora australis goes past.

By Alfie



Dogs are cute.

Our dog is black.

Going for a walk.

By Cooper




Naughty people

Naughty animals

Ostriches in a farm

You can be annoying

Isaac my big brother

Naughty ears

Naughty eyes.

By Zoe


Helps to get people better.

Operation rooms.

Surgery nurses.

Patient chart.

Injections hurt.

Transplant of organs.

Anaesthetics makes you sleep.

Laughing gas.

By Mielene





Red is like a cherry

Green is like grass

Blue is like blueberries

White is a cloud

Black is like the night

Gray is a bar

Brown is like a trunk of a tree.

By Jaanan


I love the taste of the creamy butter.

Beat the eggs into the butter.

Sprinkle the flour like snow.

Sweet sugar, I’ll try to lick it off the spoon.

Put the rich chocolate into the batter.

Add a sprinkling of love.

Bake in the oven.

A birthday cake!        

By Amelia


Gymnastics smells like dirty, sweaty, smelly feet.

Gymnastics sounds like music playing, children having fun and stomping and thumping.

Gymnastics looks like big, high equipment.

Gymnastics feels hot from the hard work.

Gymnastics tastes like sweet victory when I conquer a challenge.

By Scarlett


My dog looks like a llama

My dog sounds like wolves howling

My dog feels like fluff

My dog smells like stinky mud

My dog’s name is Toby!

By Nate

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